Sd Flash Memory When Buying A SD Flash Memory Card, For A Treo 680, What Is A Suitable Memory Size To Look For?

When buying a SD Flash memory card, for a Treo 680, what is a suitable memory size to look for? - sd flash memory

I believe that storing MP3 music files (from 4 minutes and 40 minutes long) in the game. I will put some word-processing documents as well. Surfing the Web is another possibility in the future. Thank you again.


fauxmine... said...

When buying mimory card SD card or a flash drive is not worried about the brand, but the size
the GB, the better I have a 2-GB and good, but I would look for the biggest u can AFORE bigger is better

Mr_Bigge... said...

Yesterday I saw the ads for a new 4 GB Micro SD card, but it was very expensive, but makes it comparable to an iPod nano. If you have any bling, then go. but always the largest possible size. All cards work with her. monitoring procedures possible good.

Gooogled said...

1GB will work better.
2GB is good, but can not or work correctly.

ravenhon said...

As big as you can afford it. I've never heard anyone raise hell because they are too much space.

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