Card Ideas For Christian Baptism I Need A Good Christian Gift Idea To Send Out With My Christmas Cards?

I need a good christian gift idea to send out with my Christmas cards? - card ideas for christian baptism

I want it to be something special and profitable, and it does not bother me a little creative? ":)


Rik M said...

Hello, attractive offer, some of my Christian friends who donate to the Oxfam and money for projects they feel an affinity with. For example, some of them teachers, teacher packets, said Oxfam. A friend even got a call last year (the money to buy a llama for a people - the logistics and ethics of reality that includes a life is a unthinkable). Pretty cool. Hope it helps.


country m@m@ luvs you! said...

Go to your local bookseller Bible and get through it or something. You always have cute little gifts cheap.

hellenwa... said...

You can use scraps of paper and make your own Christmas card this holiday season.

bud said...

Buy one of these about Jesus `s

fifilapo... said...

Miniature crosses make friends with polo clubs.
Splitting a few loaves and fishes, and send them to your friends after the 2nd Class

gstar said...

Donations in his name? And maybe send a series of Smellie, go with them?

susieqt7... said...

Find one of his favorite Scripture .... Type and print a paper in Nice (or if you have a good hand, make it this way in recycled paper or paper, pressed flowers, cut, perhaps) --- then ... They ran (the thickness of the laminated copy of Staples Center), and there you have bookmarks .... for all.

Alternatively, you can also use thicker paper, and write about writing, and a hole in and add a nice band ... Note that if the cards that you do not want the card too thick or too heavy, or you are willing to spend the extra money.

little_o... said...

My children spent last week making brand book, which was rolled to go our maps - with a picture / design or in verse.

They are inexpensive, easy, useful, and every company a message that they want other people they know or a proverb.

They did this for all our friends, regardless of their religion. They also made badges and key rings.

k h said...

It is a government of Bolivia to the Legend of the Candy Cane things "there. From inexpensive things from places like Oriental Trading Company, with products more expensive in the Christian bookstores. GFAR After ho to go with it, here are a few thoughts come to mind that crates of fresh mint (you can find the recipe in sugar cane, obviously with the letters, what a sweet ornament by hand or bought stock ? Earrings? With each version can print a rewriting of history.
Whether something with this kind of pure goodness of Christmas combines an element that many people consider the secular religion, with a small room! :)
Oh, and there are also books for children of history there, and if needed ......... Gift of a child
Not sure if what you want, but it is different than other positions. Good luck!

THE FLOYD said...

I would like to meet jewelry, there is a book called "where you will find in the Bible A to Z ¨

musicgir... said...

Money, gift cards, friendship bracelets, a party, the market is called r .....

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