Snacks Before Dinner What Should I Have As A Snack Before Dinner?

What should I have as a snack before dinner? - snacks before dinner

I go to a big dinner with my friends at Benihana, but I'm starving! What should I eat now that I am to stay in full. It's now about 5:00 and our reservations are for 8oclock


Blake17 said...

Something easy, not like a little bowl of cereal fiber (such as corn flakes). Or you could make an apple with a tablespoon of peanut butter spread on top. Do not go heavy on protein, because it takes longer to digest and feel full longer. The same is true and for the fiber.

go me! said...

A large glass of water that fills you for a while

MJ said...

I would only half-sandwich with peanut butter and honey and carrots. So do not gorge themselves later because of low levels of sugar in the blood. The peanut butter will give you energy and protein to help curb without filling, while the core faster digestion is needed to ensure that you are still hungry for dinner.

MYRA C said...

3 hours until dinner? Hungry? This is a slice of tomato and lettuce. You will feel better, not by a lot of calories, 2 groups of foods and ensure that they are still hungry along the lunch break.

Dinner sounds wonderful, I hope you have a great time.

natasha h said...

so u dont like something small ruin your dinner! Perhaps a small bag of chips (optional) itz or cheese (optional). to make a snack!

~ Floridian`` said...

Biscuits and a glass of water .... works for me.

~ Floridian`` said...

Biscuits and a glass of water .... works for me.

romey bear said...

Cheese and crackers protein keeps hunger.

sunflowe... said...

Nuts or fruit

hussein said...

ill say a few bags of chips

not so healthy but tasty

Jackie Blue said...

A few crackers with cheese or a fruit to eat.

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